Assistant Professor

In her current projects, Milica is focusing on optimal methods for data synthesis from non-exchangeable studies, on the consequences of specifying inaccurate priors in mediation models, and on issues that arise in applications of Bayesian mediation analysis with informative prior distributions in small samples.

Project manager

Marianne organizes many events and conferences, like the S4 conference, the Mplus Users Meeting, EDDA and the multilevel conference.

PhD Student

In her PhD project, Mariëlle focuses on including prior knowledge in statistical analyses (informative Bayesian research) and confronting prior knowledge with new data.

PhD Student

Kimberley works together with Rens on how educational and psychological tests can be improved with new and existing statistical tools. One project focusses, for instance, on how (un)certainty in the test results of individual examinees can be estimated and expressed, to ...

PhD Student

Sannes PhD focuses on the use of informative priors in latent growth models with small sample sizes. She is interested in how prior knowledge can be used to compensate for small sample sizes.

PhD Student

Ducos PhD project with Rens focusses on providing a solution to small data problems in latent growth curve models. With few data points, it can be impossible to estimate the model of interest. Yet asking a different (simplified) question the data can answer may not be desirable.

PhD Student

Marthes project is focused on psychological consequences of pediatric burn injury. She primarily examines child and parent posttraumatic stress reactions with the use of prospective data and advanced statistical modelling (such as multilevel and structural equation models).

Research intern

Naomi is working on her research master thesis focusing on using expert knowledge in Bayesian analyses, by letting experts make predictions in a probabilistic form of a prior distribution. With the Data Agreement Criterion (DAC)...

PhD Student

The topic of my PhD project is sample-size reduction by order constraints. Many researchers are familiar with the power gain in the context of the one-sided t-test.

PhD Student

Inges research concerns the development of students with special educational needs due to psychiatric and/or behavior problems. Students with emotional and/or behavior problems (EBD) perform worse than normally developing students with respect to their academic and their ...

Research intern

Evelien is writing her master’s thesis in collaboration with Netherlands eScience Center, under supervision of Rens and Adriënne Mendrik. In the context of grand challenges in biomedical image analysis, they will...

Student assistant

Elian assists Rens with his work for De Jonge Akademie (Young Academy). He contributes on the topics of scientific integrity, co-authorship...

Student Assistant

Qixiang assists Rens in a machine-learning project to optimize search for academic literature, and in another project concerning testing measurement invariance using Mplus.

Student Assistant

Laurent assists Rens on improving the multilevel book website. Moreover, he helps Peter Lugtig and Rens for a project on model fit indices in SEM.


Communication Strategist

For Rens, Lena has been developing and setting his research archive and his personal website. Besides those matters, she has been developing communication strategies as well as writing introductory texts (e.g. biographies) about Rens.

Former team member

After working with Rens on various research projects related to Bayesian Estimation and latent growth modeling I developed an interest in researching both of these further.

Former team member

In June 2012 I started my PhD project at the Helen Dowling Institute, which is a mental healthcare facility for cancer patients. There, I quantitatively investigated the effectiveness of two eHealth interventions for...

Former team member

The analyses of two of the chapters of her PhD thesis are performed with Bayesian statistics in MPlus. Rens is copromotor (defence is March 3rd), thesis titled A coach in your pocket. On chronic cancer-related fatigue and...

Research intern

Irene completed her Methodology and Statistics research master thesis consisting out of a simulation study to determine how many trials were needed in a perception task to obtain a certain power, taking into account...

Student assistant

Lion assists Rens in the construction of material that familiarises students with Bayesian Statistics using software packages like Mplus, RJags or RShiny. Additionally, he is tutoring a summer school on MPLUS.