Organisation: Utrecht University

Country: The Netherlands



Lion is currently enrolled in the second year of the Methodology & Statistics Master's program. Prior to that, he obtained a Bachelor's degree in Political Science at the University of Bremen. In 2016, he resided at the Latin American Social Science Institute (FLACSO) as a visiting researcher.

Methodically, he is interested in Bayesian Statistics and techniques for causal inference using observational data. His subsantial work has focused on trust, political attitudes and their interrelation with political action. 

Research topic

Lion assists Rens in the construction of material that familiarises students with Bayesian Statistics using software packages like Mplus, RJags or RShiny. Additionally, he is tutoring a summer school on MPLUS.

In his Master's thesis, he develops a method that allows researchers to evaluate informative hypotheses using Bayes Factors while combining multiple studies at once.


Lion is funded by the German Academic Scholarship Foundation.