Sneak Peek Mplus Summer School: Nothing’s Like You Used To Know
As seven is a lucky number, we decided to push our luck this year. This summer’s 7th Mplus Summer School program will be nothing like the ones before! In the next week, I will occasionally reveal some new details to keep you guessing. For now,…
Symposium at M3 conference accepted
Bayes is growing in all disciplines! This is one of the results found by van de Schoot, Winter, Ryan, Zondervan-Zwijnenburg and Depaoli (in press) in an extensive systematic review.
Presentation about GRoLTS-Checklist
At the Meeting of the Working Group SEM (16 and 17 March 2017; Ghent, Belgium) I will present about the Guidelines for Reporting on Latent Trajectory Studies. March 16 at 14:15-14:45 Abstract: Estimating models within the mixture model framework, like Latent Growth Mixture Modeling (LGMM) or Latent Class…
APS symposium accepted: “Experts and Animals: How Can They Help Us?”
How and to what extend can we use the unique information derived from experts and animals? We discuss how expert opinions can be formalized and included in analyses, how animal studies can provide insight into human behavior, and ways to compare results from these sources…
The Very First Female Inaugural Address at Utrecht University and the Most Recent One
Another Friday, another episode of the Deep-Thinking-project. Today it is exactly 100 years ago, that the very first female inaugural address was given by Johanna Westerdijk at Utrecht University. Back then a female professor was rare, but also today it is not so common as…
Answering Big Questions with Small Samples
Another Friday, another episode of the Deep-Thinking-project. Last weekend I was interviewed by a Dutch Newspaper (Financieel Dagblad) about my work as a statistical consultant and how I deal with limited data sets as opposed to Big Data. My answer was that if you suffer…
Sign up for the 8th Mplus User Meeting
Do you use daily diaries, ecological momentary assessments (EMA), experience sampling methodology (ESM), or other ambulatory assessments in your research? Are you curious about what these data can tell you about the dynamics of processes? DSEM consists of cutting-edge techniques including time series analysis and dynamic…
Deep-thinking project postponed
Another Friday, the sun is shining, it’s a perfect day for Deep-Thinking. My previous experiment did not really work out well: hanging on one hand appeared not to be the best thinking position. Today I face another problem: Before I can actually start thinking, there…
Finding the best thinking-position
This is the first day of my experiment to go back to the roots of science. Instead of running around trying to publish as many papers as possible I announced earlier that I would stop, sit and think more often. But it appeared not to…
What do you do on Fridays?
Now that a new year has started, it is time to think about what I’m going to do differently in 2017. I have been asked to think about this topic by the Dutch Financial Newspaper. Science has had to deal several crises in the last year(s),…
Het promotiestelsel verdient beter
De mening van de Jonge Akademie liegt er niet om: De Jonge Akademie ziet de groeiende rechtsongelijkheid onder promovendi als een serieuze bedreiging van het bestel. “Bursalen bouwen geen pensioen op en maken in beginsel geen aanspraak op secundaire arbeidsvoorwaarden zoals doorbetaald zwangerschapsverlof. Dit klinkt…
Results VNOP, ISED & CAS Research Days
During the VNOP, ISED & CAS Research Days I gave a presentation about responsible research practices. The results of the interactive discussion can be found below. I asked the audience “To what extent is publication pressure present in your research field?” Apparently, most of the PhD-candidates in the…