In the fall of 2018, De Jonge Akademie will launch an interactive platform titled ‘The Living Room of Science’ (LofS) for generating, gathering and sharing knowledge on responsible research practices across all research disciplines. This platform will help young scholars and scientists find their way in both the formal and informal rules of their disciplines, both in research and in work ethics. During conferences, the Young Academy of Sciences organizes special LofS events to encourage interactions among scholars and henceforth stimulate the formation of informed opinions on conducting ethical studies. On this website I will post videos and art-work being developed for our LofS-project. More information can be found on the website of DJA.


Impressions of the first LofS

In this video you will get an impression of the first conference at which the ‘Living room’ was presented (i.e, during the European Conference of Developemental Psychology, ECDP).


Impressions of the release of the short animation about authorship roles

Together with Bruno van Wayenburg we developed a short animation about the strange behaviors of determining authorship positions. The animation was first shown at the ECDP conference and will be available on our website autumn 2018.


Short teaser


Rens and Stefan about authorship

Belle about gender inequality