This study explored the levels of self-concept of delinquent young adults (n = 873). This question is of theoretical and practical importance, as therapeutic programs addressing the self-concept must be based on clear evidence. The present study demonstrated that self-concept is related to delinquent behavior and that men and women differ both in the strength and direction of the association. Furthermore, Bayesian latent class analysis revealed that both high-delinquent and non-delinquent men and women fall into two groups: those with high levels of self-concept and those with low levels of self-concept. This pattern emerged across the 12 different domains of self-concept assessed. These results may help to explain inconsistent results of previous studies on the link between self-concept and delinquency.

Van de Schoot, R., & Wong, T. (2012). Do Delinquent Young Adults have a High or a Low Level of Self-concept? Self and Identity, 11(2), 148-169.