“Is the Hypothesis Correct” or “Is it Not”: Bayesian Evaluation of One Informative Hypothesis for ANOVA
Researchers in the behavioral and social sciences often have one informative hypothesis with respect to the state of affairs in the population from which they sampled their data. The question they would like an answer to is “Is the Hypothesis Correct” or “Is it Not.”
Bayesian Evaluation of Inequality-Constrained Hypotheses in SEM Models using Mplus
Researchers in the behavioral and social sciences often have expectations that can be expressed in the form of inequality constraints among the parameters of a structural equation model resulting in an informative hypothesis. The questions they would like an answer to are “Is the hypothesis Correct” or “Is the hypothesis incorrect”?
Mobiliteitsonderzoek Vernieuwingsimpuls-laureaten
In 2011 besloot NWO onderzoek te laten doen naar de wetenschappers die een subsidie ontvingen in het kader van de zogenoemde VernieuwingsImpuls (VI). Het gaat daarbij om drie typen subsidies die NWO als volgt omschrijft:
Do parents think it takes a village? Parents’ attitudes towards nonparental adults’ involvement in the upbringing and nurture of children
The current study explored parents’ attitudes towards nonparental adults’ involvement in childrearing practices. Parents’ attitudes were operationalized in their willingness to share parenting responsibility and interest to participate in parenting activities.
Meaning-in-life orientations and values in youth: Cross-cultural comparison
Search for purposes in life and the meaning of life is one of the developmental tasks in youth. The Meaning-in-Life Orientations test (MOL) is often used to assess purposes in life and meaningfulness of life and is often used to compare individuals and groups.
A checklist for testing measurement invariance
The analysis of measurement invariance of latent constructs is important in research across groups, or across time. By establishing whether factor loadings, intercepts and residual variances are equivalent in a factor model that measures a latent concept, we can assure that comparisons that are made on the latent variable are valid across groups or time.
Friends and Family Interview: Measurement invariance across Belgium and Romania
The Friends and Family Interview (FFI; Steele & Steele, 2005 Steele, H. and Steele, M. 2005. The construct of coherence as an indicator of attachment security in middle childhood: The Friends and Family Interview, New York, NY: Guilford Press), a semi-structured interview assessing attachment representations, is used in the context of an international research project.
The Structure of Peritraumatic Dissociation: A Cross Validation in Clinical and Nonclinical Samples
Empirical data have challenged the unidimensionality of the Peritraumatic Dissociative Experiences Questionnaire (PDEQ), a widely used measure for peritraumatic dissociation. The aim of this study was to assess the factor structure of the PDEQ in 3 trauma-exposed samples:
Bullying and Victimization in Ethnically Diverse Schools
Growing up in a multicultural society is becoming increasingly common for many children and youth in countries all over the world. Young people from different parts of the world meet together in schools spending a big amount of time with each other.
Identity Statuses as Developmental Trajectories. A Five-Wave Longitudinal Study in Early-to-Middle and Middle-to-Late Adolescents
This study tested whether Marcia’s original identity statuses of achievement, moratorium, early closure (a new label for foreclosure), and diffusion, can be considered identity status trajectories.