Family Cohesion and Romantic and Sexual Initiation: A Three Wave Longitudinal Study
Although the relation between family relationships and the timing of sexual debut has been the focus of many studies, research on mediating factors is scarce. This study examines whether low levels of family cohesion result in an earlier onset of romantic and sexual experiences, and whether the link between family cohesion and an early sexual debut is mediated by early romantic initiation.
Islamic and homosexual in the Netherlands – a double mental burden?
According to the Minority Stress Model, immigrants have an increased risk of mental health problems compared with the general population. Homosexual feelings can form an additional minority stress factor next to ethnic minority status, given the social disapproval of homosexuality within non-Western cultures,
The associations of humorous coping styles, affective states, job demands and job control with the frequency of upper respiratory tract infection
There is some evidence that job demands and job resources such as job control and humorous coping may contribute to the risk of upper respiratory tract infections (URTI).
Can at-risk young adolescents be popular and anti-social? Sociometric status groups, anti-social behavior, gender and ethnic background
This study aimed to extend the understanding of anti-social behaviour and its association with popularity and sociometric status in a sample of at-risk adolescents from diverse ethnic backgrounds (n = 1491, average age 14.7 years).