The employment status of doctoral recipients: An exploratory study in the Netherlands
Studies of employment often focus on general labour market developments or the employment status of vulnerable groups concentrated at the lower end of the labour market. In contrast, the employment of highly educated individuals, in particular PhD recipients, has received less empirical attention.
Who are the Job Seekers? Unemployment among Doctoral Recipients
Despite increased attention for doctoral education in recent years, one particular phenomenon has received little attention—the unemployment of doctoral candidates following graduation.
PhD monitor 2011: PhD candidates from Utrecht University speak
Het oordeel van promovendi van de Universiteit Utrecht over opleiding, begeleiding en onderzoeksfaciliteiten.
The fate of PhD projects: Efficiency of social sciences subsidies
Eenderde van het Nederlandse promotieonderzoek wordt gefinancierd vanuit NWO. Het rendement hiervan is tot nu echter niet bekend. Rens van de Schoot, Hans Sonneveld en Ditte Lockhorst onderzochten de afloop van promotieprojecten bij de gedrags- en maatschappijwetenschappen.
Ph.D. Trajectories and Labour Market Mobility. A survey of recent doctoral recipients at four universities in the Netherlands
The results of a survey of recent doctoral recipients at four universities in The Netherlands.