Soms vraag je je af….?
Eens in de week probeer ik op een andere plek te werken dan op de universiteit. Dan kan je hoofd creatiever nadenken en krijg je ook andere inzichten. Soms roept het ook andere vragen op, zoals:
Hand-outs Available for 1st EDDA Working Group Meeting
The first EDDA* working group meeting was held June 26, 2017. All hand-outs are available at the EDDA website. If you are interested in attending the second meeting, which will take place mid-January 2018, you can pre-register. *EDDA = Expert Data (Dis)Agreement
Successfull start of Mplus Summerschool
This week our Mplus Summerschool started with 85 happy participants from all over the world. Several of the participants already successfully used Mplus, but most didn’t. Luckily, most of the participants are looking forward to it 🙂
A General procedure for Testing Inequality Constrained Hypotheses in SEM
Researchers in the social and behavioral sciences often have clear expectations about the order and/or the sign of the parameters in their statistical model. For example, a researcher might expect that regression coefficient β1 is larger than β2 and β3.
Improving Transparency and Replication in Bayesian Statistics: The WAMBS-Checklist
Bayesian statistical methods are slowly creeping into all fields of science and are becoming ever more popular in applied research. Although it is very attractive to use Bayesian statistics, our personal experience has led us to believe that naively applying Bayesian methods can be dangerous for at least 3 main reasons:
Multilevel Analysis Techniques and Applications, Third Edition
We just submitted the page proofs of the 3rd edition of the book Multilevel Analysis Techniques and Applications 🙂 Almost ready now… It is expected to come out this September. That is, if we are able to finish all the other documents on time… From…
An Introduction to Bayesian Statistics in Health Psychology
Bayesian methods are increasing in prevalence in applied fields, and they have been shown in simulation research to improve the estimation accuracy of structural equation models, latent growth curve models, and hierarchical linear models.
Kick-off for the project “The myth of null-hypothesis significance testing”
Today we have our first consortium meeting for the project “The myth of null-hypothesis significance testing in scientific research”, subsidized by ZonMW within the call about promoting responsible research practices (see below for more information about the project). The project group consists of Michiel de…
Wetenschap…dat kan ik ook
Bij de Jonge Akademie organiseren we Kennis op Straat. Daar kun je als niet-wetenschapper korte lezingen boeken gegeven door jonge en enthousiaste wetenschappers uit allerlei vakgebieden, waar naast een inhoudelijk thema ook de onderzoekende houding die aan wetenschap eigen is aan bod komt. Ook mij…
Special Issue Bayesian Statistics
Psychological Methods published a Special Issue on Bayesian Data Analysis with two of my papers 🙂
First EDDA meeting
The very first meeting of the EDDA Working Group is organized on June 26 2017. The aim of the Working Group Meeting is to bring together researchers working in the field of Experts Data (Dis)Agreement and to share information, learn about new developments and discuss…
Nieuwe website
Het is even geleden dat er posts zijn geplaatst op mijn website, maar dat komt omdat er een heel team aan het werk was om een compleet nieuwe website in elkaar te zetten. We zijn nog druk bezig met de laatste details goed te krijgen,…