In mijn oratie ga ik op zoek naar het antwoord op de vraag of wetenschappers vervangbaar zijn door machines.
Quantifying the informational value of classification images
In this article, we propose a novel metric, infoVal, which assesses informational value relative to a re-sampled random distribution and can be interpreted like a z score.
Dealing with imperfect elicitation results
We provide an overview of the solutions we used for dealing with imperfect elicitation results, so that others can benefit from our experience. We present information about the nature of our project, the reasons for the imperfect results, and how we resolved these sup-ported by annotated R-syntax
Predicting a Distal Outcome Variable From a Latent Growth Model
The aim of the current simulation study is to examine the performance of an LGM with a continuous distal outcome under maximum likelihood (ML) and Bayesian estimation with default and informative priors, under varying sample sizes, effect sizes and slope variance values.
Wie weet het beter, de docent of de centrale eindtoets?
Onze publicatie in De Psycholoog over wie beter plaatsing op de middelbare school kan voorspellen (docent versus eindtoets) heeft nogal wat stof doen opwaaien. Zie ook de publicties in het NRC op dinsdag 2 april en twee op woensdag 3 april (en deze). Ook op mijn LinkedIn…
Invariance analyses in large-scale studies
This report sets out to identify and apply novel procedures to evaluate model fit across a large number of groups, or novel scaling models that are more likely to pass common model fit criteria.
Choice of Distance Measure Influences the Detection of Prior-Data Conflict
The present paper contrasts two related criteria for the evaluation of prior-data conflict: the Data Agreement Criterion (DAC; Bousquet, 2008) and the criterion of Nott et al. (2016). We investigated how the choice of a specific distance measure influences the detection of prior-data conflict.
Wie weet het beter, de docent of de centrale eindtoets?
In 2015 werd het docentadvies leidend bij de plaatsing van leerlingen in het voortgezet onderwijs. De invoering van deze maatregel is nog altijd omstreden, getuige vurige discussies onder wetenschappers en in de media. De prangende vraag is: wie weet het beter, de docent of de Centrale eindtoets?
How do included and excluded students with SEBD function socially and academically after 1,5 year of special education services?
This study examined which factors were related to placement choices for inclusive regular education or exclusive special education for Dutch students with social, emotional, and behavioral difficulties (SEBD).
Which School for Whom? Placement Choices for Inclusion or Exclusion of Dutch Students With Social, Emotional, and Behavioral Difficulties in Primary Education
This study examined which factors were related to placement choices for inclusive regular education or exclusive special education for Dutch students with social, emotional, and behavioral difficulties (SEBD).
Family scars after pediatric burns
In this dissertation, we focused on two alternative approaches to evaluate the hypothesis of interest more directly, i.e. informative hypothesis testing and model selection using order-restricted information criteria.
Making eye movements during imaginal exposure leads to short-lived memory effects compared to imaginal exposure alone
At intervention start, making EM during imaginal exposure prevents memory inflation. Imaginal exposure with or without EM causes immediate and 24 h memory deflation. Imaginal exposure + EM leads to short-lived effects compared to imaginal exposure. Change patterns were hardly explained by predictive variables.